6 ways to stay Focused and stop Burnout

working from home presents a special set of challenges. You may have been a total newbie to this new normal, making it hard to navigate the distractions that come up and maintain focus. These issues are natural and to be expected in this unprecedented time, so give yourself space to experiment and adapt to your new work environment. here are some ideas from a Fitbit health instructor to help keep you laser-focused, feeling great, and fend off burnout.

Refuel regularly with real food. Your circadian rhythm naturally takes a dip in the midafternoon, and if you are without the extra stimulation of coworkers and the energy of office life, it’s easy to really feel that afternoon slump. irregular meals and eating too lots of processed carbs or sugary foods can cause unstable blood glucose levels and exacerbate your post-lunch energy crash. and new research suggests eating just one fatty meal can affect your concentration.

So, fuel your body and your brain by eating regular balanced meals and snacks that are rich in protein, healthy carbohydrates, and a small amount of healthy fats. 

Have a dedicated workspace. during this special time, you may still be working from home without a real home office. Although it may be tempting to simply roll over in bed and get hold of your laptop, it’s not doing your body any favors. Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Bélgica

Creating a dedicated office can help you avoid neck and back pain, as well as lessen distractions. If you don’t have an extra room to use as an office, no problem, create a office at your dining table, or maybe set up a desk in an unused corner. moving to your office when you’re getting started for the day can help keep you focused and avoid the temptation to enjoy TV, take a midday nap, or tackle that pile of laundry. 

Keep a schedule. You may find you’re working longer hours considering that being stuck at home. The lines between work life and personal life may have become blurred, which can cause the feeling you must be regularly working or thinking about work, even outside of your normal nine to five. setting boundaries is crucial and will allow you to focus on work when you need to, be present with your family, and get rest and relaxation after you clock out. 

Stay hydrated. Do you forget to drink water while you’re working? Researchers have found that even minor dehydration can impair your memory and cognitive function. fatigue and brain fog are common symptoms of dehydration. So, try to make sure Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Dinamarca you’re consuming the recommended 64 ounces of water a day. set up a silent alarm on your Fitbit device to remind you to hydrate often. You can also log your water intake ideal in the Fitbit app or on your device to make sure you’re drinking enough.

Don’t like the taste of plain water? check out some of these ideas to spice things up. Or sip on a cup of tea instead, which can help you feel relaxed, but alert.

Opt for fresh air instead of an extra cup of coffee. loading up on multiple cups of coffee can be tempting when you’re trying to stay focused, but too much caffeine can cause a big energy crash later in the day. instead of reaching for that extra cup, take a break and step outside if you can. getting fresh air and exposing yourself to sunlight can give you a improve to power you through the rest of your day. If you can’t go outside, simply opening a window and taking a few deep breaths may give you the extra energy to refocus your mind.

Take regular breaks. While you may feel tempted to stay chained to your desk, taking regular breaks can help to improve your productivity and keep your energy levels up. use your Fitbit device’s reminders to step Camiseta Juventus to make sure you’re getting up and taking 250 steps each hour as a surefire way to keep moving throughout the day. 

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. You must not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.

Miranda Canfield

Miranda is a Fitbit health instructor and is a registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a Master’s degree in nutrition. She has been health coaching for 4 years and previously worked in scientific nutrition. She got into coaching because she wanted to help clients reach their health goals using an individualized approach. She is passionate about helping people improve their health so that they can take pleasure in life and avoid the anxiety of medical issues. In her complimentary time, she loves to travel and spend time outside with her family and friends.

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