The Worst part of working Out…

Hello! How’s it going? This is week two of marathon training on a plan that only has me running 3 or 4 days a week and it is very frustrating. I woke up and just wanted to RUN (and eat) today. I like running. Running’s my favorite. but I was strong and decided to eat instead. so that worked out all right.

I ate an apple dipped in yogurt and nuts while cooking. The main course was an egg burrito. just like I like it.
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Post-workout I had raspberries on the way home. Fruit for life.

Yesterday I hit up Trader Joe’s for some of my favorite healthy foods … nuts, baby tomatoes, pre-chopped veggie mix, apples, PB, ginger beer (for Moscow Mules) and other random goodies.

I guess I’ve been holding out on vegas because he inspected the bags looking for turkey deli meat. Ha! It’s his favorite and he knew I had some.

Since I couldn’t run today I hit up the gym for a strength class. I totally got my jiggly butt handed to me and it was great. I don’t want to waste my time in a fitness class, I want to feel like I got a great workout. The instructor for the Tuesday class is the best. She pushes us. Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Japón She has great music. She has a rocking bod that I like to admire. No shame.

And sometimes she includes some risque moves to make ya feel seksi. last week she made a point of saying, “How your butt looks is up to you. I can show you the moves, but you gotta do them!!!”

I love that. I keep thinking that now when I’m working out. show the heck up and do the work if you want the results. how your butt looks is up to you.

And that brings me to the hot topic of the day…

What is the worst part of working out?

Is it waking up early?

Is it feeling your muscles burn?

Is it getting sweaty and smelly?

Is it feeling like a lame-o because you don’t know the workout moves?

Nope. None of those… It’s trying Camiseta Selección de fútbol de México to figure out when to wash your hair.

The balance between not washing your hair everyday, but working out is the worst. You don’t want to look like a wet rata at school or work, but you don’t want to kill your hair with washing and drying and styling everyday. and sometimes it’s hard to tell how sweaty you’re going to Camiseta Chelsea FC get on a particular day.

What is a girl to do??? #FirstWorldProblems to the max.

Luckily, I work from home and my boss is kinda chill about me looking like a Sloppy McSlopperson so I’m waiting until tomorrow. vegas is judging me, but I’m not worried about it.

Question: What’s the worst/hardest part of working out?

Did you workout today? Did you wash your hair today?



Sharing is caring!







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